There’s a (sort of) new meeting in town: Friday nights at 7 p.m. at New Town Alano Club. This meeting represents (most recently) a change in format from a Refuge Recovery meeting that took place at the same place and time. (Those of you who were participating in Buddhist recovery in Chicago pre-pandemic may remember that this slot has been both Refuge Recovery and Recovery Dharma in the past.) The Friday night Beginner’s Recovery Dharma meeting that has its origins in this slot will continue to be offered virtually at the same time.
Are you confused yet? All you really need to know is that you can now meditate with your Recovery Dharma sangha in person or on Zoom Friday nights at 7.
Other Meeting Updates
The Recovery Dharma of South Chicagoland meeting that took place Monday evenings in Kankakee is taking a hiatus due to low attendance. It may return at a different location or time in the future.
The Monday noontime meeting at Above and Beyond is not being held on January 2. It will resume the following week.
Looking for other in-person, hybrid, and virtual meetings? The Recovery Dharma Chicago website has the most up-to-date meeting listings.