Summer Chicago Intersangha Meeting

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About this event

Our intersangha will be meeting June 12, 2022, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Center on Halsted and on Zoom. If you are part of any Recovery Dharma Chicago meetings, whether or not you live in the Chicago area, please join us for this planning/business meeting.

Our organization is entirely peer run, and all members have an equal say in our intersangha. We have leadership positions and volunteer opportunities to fill. We ask that each meeting sends at least one person to the intersangha. If you are local, consider coming early to join the Big Queer Brunch meeting or staying after to grab a bite to eat in the neighborhood.

Center on Halsted
3656 N. Halsted, Chicago

Meeting ID: 824 2808 0467
Passcode: 098343
One tap mobile: +13126266799,,82428080467#,,,,098343# US (Chicago)

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