Socially-Distant Outdoor Meeting Series: Week 6

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When: Sunday, September 13, at noon
Where: On the dock in the pond behind the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum
What: An abbreviated, socially-distanced, outdoor Recovery Dharma meeting followed by fellowship

The museum is on the northwest corner of Fullerton and Cannon Drive, across the street from Lincoln Park Zoo.

This is the sixth in a series of outdoor meetings to be held every other weekend at various locations, and led by various noble friends, throughout the summer and into the early fall. In the event of severe weather, a rain date will be announced.

Octavio will lead the meditation this week from the dock in the North Pond in Lincoln Park.

Please bring a towel, blanket, cushion, yoga mat, or portable chair to sit on.

Masks are required until we are settled 6 feet apart, and again after the meeting during fellowship. If you might have been exposed to COVID-19 within 14 days prior to the meeting, please stay home and join us for an online meeting.

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