COVID-19 Meeting Updates & Changes
Dearest Sangha,
The necessity of social distancing to protect the well-being of our greater community has put most of our in-person meetings on hold. However, the uncertainty and anxiety of our current state of affairs makes us need our wise friends more than ever. Fear not, because many of our meetings are now being held online, where you can join from the safety of your home by computer, tablet, smartphone, or even land line.
To access local Chicago online meetings, goto the meeting listing and click on the individual meeting’s link. On that meeting’s page you will see a RED BOX labeled “IMPORTANT” with the link and phone number to that meeting’s ZOOM room.
Things are changing frequently, so please check the meeting listing at recoverydharmachicago.org for the latest updates, and join the Recovery Dharma Facebook group for additional support and information.
Please reach out to us with any questions or if you need support! Be well and stay safe, friends!