Loving Kindness Workshop

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The venerable Bhante Sujatha, the loving kindness monk, will present a virtual workshop and guided meditation for the Recovery Dharma community on Sunday, September 20, at 7 p.m.

Monk Bhante will talk about how to use meditation to empower and calm your mind (especially important in these times of stress) and then will lead us through a guided meditation. No meditation experience is needed.

Bhante Sujatha, a 30+ year Buddhist Monk, is originally from Sri Lanka and is the head monk/abbot of the Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center in Woodstock, Illinois.  

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Join us on Zoom.
Or call 1-312-626-6799 and enter meeting ID 525 044 492
Or use one tap mobile: +13126266799,,525044492#

If you care to make a donation to Bhante’s annual incubator and pregnant mothers project in Sri Lanka, use Venmo (Bhante sujatha) or Pay Pal (Bhante@bhantesujatha.org).

This workshop will be held instead of the regular Sunday evening Ravenswood Meeting.

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