Happy April 1st friends. The origin of April has varied between cultures since the earliest of times. And yet all have agreed on April’s common theme: from the verb aperire, April mean’s opening. This is when the world opens back up to new life all around us.
Accordingly, this month opens for our community with our first annual day long retreat of 2019, as well as our first meeting of Refcon’s Chicago based Welcoming Committee. See details below if you’re interested in opening your heart to our Sangha, and growing with us in contemplation and service. We hope to see you soon! Until then, remember:
“ This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four.” – Mark Twain
April Fools: you are all Perfect! We love you, keep going.

Buddha, Dharma and a whole lot of Sangha will be happening in July at the Refuge Recovery Fifth Annual Conference in CHICAGO! We’ll be meditating, workshopping, hanging with the sangha and doing some RR business. Can’t wait to see you there!
When: July 12-14, 2019
Where: University of Illinois – Chicago
Events & Announcements
* Welcoming Committee Kickoff
We will be having our first meeting for the welcoming committee that we are forming for this summer’s RefCon5, on Saturday the 6th in the community area of Center on Halsted at 6:00pm. Please consider coming by to share ideas, learn about the upcoming event, and even join the welcoming committee. Can’t wait to see you all on Saturday!!
Also, join us upstairs at 7pm for our weekly LGBTQIA meeting, and then for fellowship afterwards!
When: When: Saturday, April 6th @ 6pm-7pm
Where: Center on Halsted in Lakeview
* Spring Full Day Retreat
Come join us for a day of contemplation, inquiry, and companionship! Activities will include guided meditations, dharma and literature discussions, inventory activities, plus a lunchtime eating meditation. Suggested Donation is 20$. See you there!
When: Saturday, April 27th @ 9am-4pm
Where: Second Unitarian Church of Chicago
* Book Orders – New Hope Recovery Centerwill be holding a back stock of literature for our meetings going forward. If you’re interested in purchasing replacement literature at cost for an existing meeting, or getting help furnishing a new meeting, contact us at Refuge Recovery Chicago.
* Dharma Share – from Michael Kramer
Reflections on Sila by Mathew Brensilver is a talk I’ve listened to at least 5 times now. He was asked by Spirit Rock to add to a collection of writings on Sila (ethics). This talk takes his small entry and goes deeper into his understanding of what ethics are in Buddhist /insight/vipassana thought.
I find his talks incredibly helpful to my practice; the way Matthew opens up to the teachings is skillful and thoughtful, and helps me relate to their meaning on a personal level in my daily life. I hope everyone enjoys their listen
Service Opportunities!
March was a great month for our intersangha: just this Saturday, we enjoyed an architecture tour of the Chicago Cultural Center, pictured above. And earlier this month we gathered for our first inventory workshop! Our Outreach committee members lead education events on Refuge at local recovery center’s, and began talking directly with several local Health Care providers. Work like this happens when we work together; join us in doing so this April! Enthusiasm is the only requirement; experience with any of this kind of work is a blessing
If you’re interested in joining us in working to spread Refuge Recovery, by finding new homes for meetings, or in introducing our practice to institutions, Outreach needs you! Reach out to Michael Kramer if you’re interested in hearing more.
Are you a Social Butterfly? Come create great opportunities for fellowship with your friends amongst the Sangha (both those you know and those you haven’t met yet) with our Activities Committee! Get ahold of Zoe Winter if you want to work with Sangha on the Third Jewel.
If you’re interested in helping us prepare for our part in producing RefCon 5 this July, join our Welcoming Committee by sending us an email directly at Refuge Recovery Chicago
Happy to be of service!
Have some ideas or suggestions to share? Need to order books for your local meeting? Do you just want to say hello? Please be sure to reach out via email at refugerecoverychicago@gmail.com at any time an we will be sure to get back to you!
Please Consider Donating!
We are funded entirely through the generosity of our local meetings, as well as from donations from the public. We use donations to help support the local community for things such as outreach and activities, retreats and workshops, and other operational expenses. Please help support us in getting our message out to those who are still suffering by donating today!