Announcements February 19, 2019

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This document contains all current announcements from the Chicago Intersangha and is suggested to be shared at your local meetings.

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New Meetings

  • Lakeview/Lincoln Park – Starts 2/18/2019 Monday Evenings from 7pm-8pm at New Hope Recovery, 2835 N Sheffield Ave #308, Chicago, IL 60657  This is a ONE HOUR FORMAT topic meeting that will focus on the Heart Practices
  • Oak Park – Thursday evenings from 7-8:30pm at Unity Temple Community Center, 1019 South Blvd, Oak Park IL

Winter Quarterly Retreat Postponed! (posted 2/6/2019) We just found out that the event space that we were planning to use for the retreat on Saturday is booked up until the end of April. We decided the wise thing to do will be to postpone the retreat until spring. Our next retreat will be on Saturday, April 27th 9:30-4:30pm. We were so looking forward our day together, and are very sorry for any inconvenience and planning that went into making time for this on your calendars. We really appreciate all of your support and understanding. Please reach out to Zoe or Lizzy with any questions 🙏❤️  Future retreat dates also include Saturday July 13 and Saturday October 12.

Intersangha Meeting (posted 2/6/2019) Please join us for our next Chicago Intersangha meeting on March 3rd, 2019 from 4:30pm-6:00pm at New Hope Recovery. We will discuss business and community matters pertaining to all Chicago area meetings. This meeting is open to all sangha members to participate in discussion. This meeting happens the FIRST Sunday of every month from 4:30pm-6:00pm at New Hope Recovery.

Facilitators needed (posted 2/6/2019)Greg will he completing his term as Facilitator and we are looking for 2 Co facilitators needed for Friday 7:00pm meeting to start first week in March.

Sangha Reps (posted 11/16/18) As the Chicago Intersangha is now down to business in 2019 we need to gather the names and contact information of your individual meeting’s Sangha Rep. If you have not elected one yet please have this done by March 1st, 2019. The Sangha Rep will be responsible for attending the monthly Chicago Intersangha meeting and will be able to vote on business matters for the area, and will be the liaison between your local meeting and the Chicago Intersangha. Please send this info to the Intersangha Email at

More To Explore


Intersangha Meeting Feb. 20

Dear Recovery Dharma Chicago Sangha, Our next Intersangha meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 20, at 8 p.m. Central Time, and we’d love for you to join us!


Autumn’s Lesson: Impermanence

September brings with it the feelings of transition. While we still experience hot days, we can’t ignore the leaves begining to fall, the wilting of